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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Clothing, Closets and Laundry

This is the storage closet in boys room. Each tote is labeled. Green is boys pants, sorted by size- J&Q, I&Z, U&E. Red is sorted the same, boys shirts. Pink is girls pants and tops, Blue is coats and Jackets. Orange is pajama bottoms, tops and the grey one is the footie pj's. The brown one is shoes.
This is the kids side of the closet. Each child has 5 outfits,
except the little ones have a few extra, for obvious reasons.
We use color coded hangers. 

The far left tower is Pajama's. The middle one is socks, far right is underwear.
The pink and white buckets are for bags, backpacks etc. 

This is our side. (Joe's arent hung up yet, He likes to keep his on his chair)
I keep my extra clothes in a tote under my clothes-my socks. pj's,
 Ezra's cloth diapers etc go in the dresser in my room

Jackets, sweaters, 2 each
Church closet. Each child gets 2 Sunday outfits and shoes go in the bucket on the floor.
The two totes here are one for baby boy, one for baby girl.


Savings Logs

Beginning Jan. 1, 2009
Total Price of Items Purchased:
Total Savings:
Total Spent:
Beginning Jan. 1, 2010
Total Price of Items Purchased:
Total Savings:
Total Spent:
$1082.81 * stopped Spring 2010*
Beginning Jan. 1, 2011
Total Price of Items Purchased:
Total Savings:
Total Spent:

Click HERE to see monthly logs

They Call Me Mom