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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jacob's Birth Story ( 12 years later)

It was Dec 17th and I had finished grooming the 2 cats and a Collie I had scheduled that day.I was 5 days from my due date and tired. I had gone to get Joe from work and had to wait a little. I was getting really sore and thought maybe I over did it that day. I sat down and I finally got to the point where I told Joe I had to go home and rest.

Later that eve I woke up with alot more pain.. I sat up and began timing. Having had 2 previous miscarriages I was a little bit more familiar with contractions than most first time moms. I woke Joe up and told him this was it and for him to get some more sleep I would wake him when I needed.

I dozed off and on but the excitement kept me awake more than the pain. About 6 am I called my midwife and she told us to wait till we were 5 min apart and make way to the hospital. It was winter in Vermont and the hospital was about 40 min away.

When we got to the hospital they checked me and my water was leaking a bit. I would guess this was about 7-8am? They broke my water and I labored for a good part of the morning. They had a tub available for laboring and that was my first child birthing blessing! Oh how I LOVE the tub during labor..

I dont recall times but at some point I was taken to the bed and I labored on my hands and knees. For me that is a perfect position for birth. It relieves so much of that pelvic pressure. Jacob was born just after 1pm. He weighed 8lbs 13 oz.

Jacob Cody Naugler 12/18/1998

Other than the breaking of the water and a belly monitor this was a very noninvasive birth. I am pleased that my hospital birth experience was as such.

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