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Monday, April 4, 2011

A year gone by

Where did it go. I can only see remnants of it in photographs. The speed of time must go faster the longer you are on the ride.

It was a year ago today I gave birth to Ezra. Its been a pretty crazy year for us and I wish I hadn't been so distracted. I am grateful that I was able to bring him to work with me and that we were able to, and still are, breastfeeding.
His Birth Day 
Day two

First smile 

One Month Old

Baby Blessing 
8 weeks

3 mos old at work with mom 

  4 mos old 

4 mos

6 mos 

 6 mos 

 Telling pumpkin tales... 

 7 mos 
 8 mos 

9 months
 10 mos 
11 mos 

Ezra has such a great character. He is so happy. He loves to cuddle. He loves to learn and mimic. He growls when someone touches his food. He is such a blessing in our lives.

Happy Birthday Ezra!! 
( more birthday photo's coming soon)


  1. Happy Birthday Ezra!!!! I can't believe it's been a year already!!

  2. Happy Birthday Ezra! Knew today was special for some reason when I woke up. Love your Pictures! <3

  3. Happy birthday Ezra!!!!

  4. Great pictures. I am sure it has been a wonderful year. He is adorable.

  5. A year already?! Wow! Happy birthday, Erza! Are the kid's photos on your sidebar new? They're great! Cuties!

  6. Thanks!!!
    J- yeah those pics are from a few weeks ago.

  7. Couldn't get to the library, but posted on my facebook page-Ma-mere loves ya Ezra! I miss you, too. Loved cuddling with you! :)


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