Kroger purchase total $579.49 saved $282.83 = $296.66 out of pocket
Walgreens purchase total $310.66 saved $198.06 = $112.6 out of pocket
Walmart purchase total $3.96 saved $0 = $3.96 out of pocket
Sams Club total $45.48 saved $0= $45.48 out of pocket
Dollar Tree purchase total $6.36 saved $0= $6.36 out of pocket
EW James purchase total $17.17 saved $0 = $17.17 out of pocket
Dollar General purchase total $4.75 saved $2 = $2.75 out of pocket
Save a Lot purchase total $2.99 saved $0 = $2.99 out of pocket
Total of purchases $970.86 saved $482.89 Total OOP $487.97
year to date
Total of purchases $1700.04 saved $617.23 Total OOP $1082.81
Wow! Good job! Maybe someday I'll get that organized... in the mean time, I just got my sunday paper and am checking out the coupons! :)