Sometimes I forget what its like to have no clue about couponing. It was abut 3 years ago when I started, but It seems like I have been doing it forever.
I guess to start off.. Get a folder system. Each week get as many copies of the Sunday inserts as you can get.. either by purchasing the paper (the dollar tree carries them in most areas) you can also ask friends/family.. check recycling places
On the spine of each insert is a date.. This Sunday is 3/8. take each insert and file them by date. When I post sales you will see a "code" in purple such as 3/8 SS. This means the coupon for that product can be found in the March 8th Smart Source insert..
If you get multiple copies of inserts separating out the "trash" pages ( the ones with no coupons on them, and matching up the other pages and then placing them inside the cover page is a good way of storing them as well.. when you need a specific coupon its easier to cut 5+ of the same coupon out at once. you also know by a quick count how many you have. you may also write on the cover how many sets you have - you can also write the date in black marker so its easier to read then the mouse type on the side.. and it probably makes no sense to you why you shod save all these coupons you wont use.. yes alot will get tossed, but you will find yourself using coupons you dont normally use.. and getting awesome deals doing so..
Once you start couponing you will modify your system.. I have tried at least 30 different variations of sorting.. coupon organization is an ever evolving process..
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