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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mormon Jokes

If you believe Heck is the place for people who do not believe in gosh... You might be a Mormon.
If you pray that your food might "nourish and strengthen your body" before eating doughnuts... You might be a Mormon.
If you think Jell-O is one of the basic food groups... You might be a Mormon.
If you've ever written a "Dear-John" to more than two missionaries on the same day.... You might be a Mormon.
If you have more wheat stored in your basement than most third world countries... You might be a Mormon.
If you have to guess more than five times the name of the child you're disciplining... You might be Mormon.
You might be a mormon if you have ever inadvertently addressed your boss or coworkers as brother or sister.

Q: Why do Mormon women stop having babies at thirty-five?

A: Because thirty-six is just too many.

Q:What do you get when a mormon marrys a mexican?
A:A 2 year supply of hubcaps.

Q. What do you get when you mix LDS with LSD?
A. A high priest!

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